建筑管理公司Revay创建了品牌标志设计,该标识坚固,轻巧,有机但棱角分明。建筑VI设计建立新的品牌形象,该公司是一家建筑管理公司,专门致力于克服复杂性并刺激发展。Sid Lee标志设计了一个以字母“ R”为基础的徽标设计,该徽标的设计灵感来自高速公路立交桥的环路。它充当可视放大镜,可以单独使用,也可以与动态工作场所图像一起使用。坚固,轻巧,有机但棱角分明的视觉形象讲述了Revay的品牌故事。
Revay, a construction management company, created the brand logo design, which is strong, lightweight, organic but angular. Architectural VI Design establishes a new brand image. The company is a construction management company dedicated to overcoming complexity and stimulating development. The Sid Lee logo designs a logo design based on the letter "R", which is inspired by the ring road of a highway overpass. It acts as a visual magnifier and can be used alone or with dynamic workplace images. The strong, lightweight, organic but angular visual image tells the story of the Revay brand.